This is what Amazon is doing to delete the list of racist images of its products

This is what Amazon is doing to delete the list of racist images of its products – The list appears to be limited to the English site, and appears on the pages of new Amazon sellers, most of which have little or no customer reviews.

The appearance of Racist messages on several Amazon products and the message sparked anger on Twitter, with the topic “AirPods” trending in the UK. Inc. (AMZN.O) said it had deleted certain images after messages using very strong racist abuse appeared on several listings on its UK website when users searched for Apple AirPods (AAPL.O) and other similar products.

“We are deleting the pictures and have taken action against the evil actor,” said an Amazon spokesman but he did not elaborate on “evil actors”.

With screenshots and video shows from trending on Twitter, users share images. Lists with abusive messages are no longer visible on the Amazon UK website and it is unclear how long they were there.

in April A similar case had occurred, several Amazon foreign websites, including the British domain, were added to the U.S. trade regulator’s “well-known” market report on a market known for counterfeiting and piracy. Amazon strongly disagreed with the report at the time, describing it as “purely political action.”

This is what Amazon is doing to delete the list of racist images of its products

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